Project Description
Veterinary Surgery
Veterinary surgeons are veterinarians who have completed standard veterinary training and then at least four additional years of specialized training in small animal surgery and have passed a rigorous exam and have a publication in the field. Our veterinary surgeons work with veterinary technicians and assistants that have extensive training in safe anesthesia. The world-class operating rooms have advanced monitoring and surgical equipment that allow our surgery teams to get great outcomes for our patients.
Your veterinarian may refer your pet to our surgery specialists for a variety of different conditions. Most commonly, we think of surgeons fixing fractures (broken bones), performing knee surgeries (you may have heard of TPLO or tibial plateau leveling osteotomy surgery for a torn cruciate ligament similar to an ACL in a person, or MPL or medial patellar luxation surgery which is performed when the kneecap is sliding out of place), removing bladder stones, cutting out cancers, and performing spinal surgery to remove slipped discs. Surgeons also perform lameness exams and can make recommendations that don’t involve surgery such as specific exercises, medications, laser therapy, or supplements that may help with lameness.
Veterinary Surgery
Veterinary surgeons are veterinarians who have completed standard veterinary training and then at least four additional years of specialized training in small animal surgery and have passed a rigorous exam and have a publication in the field. Our veterinary surgeons work with veterinary technicians and assistants that have extensive training in safe anesthesia. The world-class operating rooms have advanced monitoring and surgical equipment that allow our surgery teams to get great outcomes for our patients.
Your veterinarian may refer your pet to our surgery specialists for a variety of different conditions. Most commonly, we think of surgeons fixing fractures (broken bones), performing knee surgeries (you may have heard of TPLO or tibial plateau leveling osteotomy surgery for a torn cruciate ligament similar to an ACL in a person, or MPL or medial patellar luxation surgery which is performed when the kneecap is sliding out of place), removing bladder stones, cutting out cancers, and performing spinal surgery to remove slipped discs. Surgeons also perform lameness exams and can make recommendations that don’t involve surgery such as specific exercises, medications, laser therapy, or supplements that may help with lameness.
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Surgery Offerings

A brief listing of the surgeries our veterinary surgeons offer is below.
Orthopedic Surgery
- TPLO or Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy – repairs a torn cranial cruciate ligament (called an ACL or anterior cruciate ligament in a person)
- Extracapsular repair – repairs a torn cranial cruciate ligament in small dogs
- MPL or Medial Pattelar Luxation – surgery for a sliding patella (knee cap)
- Fracture repair – repairing broken bones (can require a metal plate, pins, a cast, and/or external fixation)
- FHO or femoral head ostectomy – removal of the top portion of the femur to help with hip problems
Soft Tissue Surgery
- Mass removals
- Airway surgery (elongated soft palpate, stenotic nares or narrow nostrils, everted laryngeal saccule resections
- Liver lobectomy or biopsy, gallbladder, and bowel surgery
- TECA or Total ear canal ablation – removal of the entire ear canal
- Cystotomy – removal of stones from the urinary bladder
Emergency Surgery
- GDV or Gastric Dilation with Volvulus – repairs bloat in dogs where the stomach turns on itself
- Pyometra surgery – life threatening infection of the uterus
- Foreign body surgery – removal of foreign material such as bones, rocks, or toys from the stomach or intestines
- C-section or Caesarian section – surgical removal of puppies/kittens from the uterus
- Severe bite wounds
- Septic abdomen – infection of the abdomen often secondary to intestinal or stomach perforation
- Biliary obstruction – obstruction of the gallbladder or bile ducts
Neurologic Surgery
- IVDD or InterVertebral Disc Disease – surgery to remove a slipped disc that is compressing the spinal cord
- Spinal fracture or luxation